Why windows takes so long to start up.
Most of us have had a brand new computer at one time. It's a great feeling. You boot up windows and within 30 seconds you are surfing the net, checking your email, or playing your favorite game. 10 months down the road things aren't so nice anymore. You power up your computer and it seems to take forever to load.
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IntelliAdmin has absolutely NO idea how the Windows Prefetcher works. Following there advice will SLOW DOWN your system. Anyone who claims otherwise has NEVER properly tested it. I have personally spoken to Microsoft Engineers on the Windows Client Performance Team who can confirm this.
The Prefetch is NOT a Cache. It is a folder that holds Prefetch (.pf) Trace Files that are REFERENCED NOT Loaded upon Windows Startup or an initial Application load. They have only ONE purpose and that is to ACCELERATE the loading time of Windows and your applications. By Default the Windows XP Prefetcher is already configured optimally. Cleaning the folder will REDUCE both Windows XP Boot times and ALL your application’s cold start load times. The folder is already self cleaning at 128 entries and consumes almost no disk space. Setting the EnablePrefetcher to 2 will Cripple ALL of your application’s cold start load time. The default value of 3 has ABSOLUTELY NO NEGATIVE EFFECT on Windows Boot times.
IntelliAdmin have no business giving anyone advice ever again with their blatantly irresponsible and misinformed article that shows people how to SLOW DOWN Windows Boot and your application’s cold start times. All the information you need is here and can be backed up IRREFUTABLY:
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